Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Moonlight 01

I looked at myslf in the mirror.Today I was going to meet the boy I will marry.My parents made an arrange marrige because they knew that I was alone everyday exspte that I had 2 friends that are always there for me.Their names are Maria and Yasmin.I sat on the edge of the bed.Maria walked in.I smiled at her for a short time.I glanced down at my blue royol dress."Are you okay Lucy?"She asked."Yes."i repiled 

Moonlight Characters

Main Characters

<----Lucy Hale
 -----15 years old
------Lucy is a good,kind person once you get to meet the real her
-------People call her Luc,Lucy,L,Lee
------Lucy has only 2 friends because lots of people judge her

<----- Yasmin Rickle
-------15 years old
-------Lucy and Maria are her best friends.
-------People call her Yas,Y,
-------Yasmin is a very crazy person how likes to have fun
<------ Maria Jackson
----- 15 years old    -------her best friends are Luc and Yas ----Nickname:M,Mary,MJ ---MJ likes to have a good time and she likes shopping alot
<------ Adam Slave   ---- 16 years old ---Adam is very emo and likes to have fun

Monday, February 22, 2010

All Alone Part 002

I lisened as they were talking."I think I'm falling for her."Drake said.He doesnt like me.He just doesnt."Yeah."Said a softer voice.I went upstairs to my room and started to hum a tone.Then I got a song.
I got out my piano.

I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
The way I like to have it my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking your the one that I've been waiting for

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? (Could you be?)
Could you be the one I need?

I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's heart is right
And I'm looking for someone

And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
The way I like to have it my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking your the one that I've been waiting for

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be this one I need?

Don't Take for grant
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Is it you? is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Flashback:It was a Saturday and we where going to the beach."Come on Linda!"My dad yelled.He called me that ever since he had me.I ran downstairs and gave my dad a big hug."Daddy!Te amo."I said smiling."Te amo Linda.Siempre vamos a estar juntos."He said.We all got in the car and drove."Daddy!" year old Vanessa said.Then all of a sudden the car got hit.My parents went unconisunse."Pappi!"I yelled.I got out and was hit by a car.
Flashback ends:I started to crying thinking that horible acciedent."Why?"I sobbed.I threw my stuff off the bed and changed still crying.Siempre vamos a estar juntos ran throught my mind.Why?Did he have to make a promise that will never be kept.

I didnt noticed someone coming in my room."I miss you."I whispored."Are you okay?"Zane asked.I wiped the tears I was crying."Yes."I said."Your lieing."He sat next to me and raped both arms around my waist.

I leaned againest his chest."I dont like to see people cry."He whispored kissing my hair."Why are you so nice to me Zane?"I asked."Because I shouldnt have been mean to you in the first place and I'm sorry."I looked up at his blue eyes."Its okay.You shouldnt be mean to Makena.Shes a great person."Someone slammed the door open.Makena ran over to us and gave us a big hug."Comne on!"She yelled.We both followed her into the kitchan.

Lucy and Shadow
There was a man and 2 pups playing."What is this?"I asked.Jon looked at me and smiled."Mel your birthday is next week so I bought you 2 wolf pups."Jon said.I smiled and huged him."Thank you so much.I love it."I said.The pups heard me and jumped on me.Zane took a pup and so did I."What are you going to name them?"He asked playing with the one he had."Lucy and Shadow."I whispored.Those where my parents names.

Shadow and Lucy hopped off our arms and ran upstairs.Zane and I followed them.They tackedeld us and licked us."Eeww Shadow stop!"I said laughing.Shadow barked.

The night ended slowly.Zane and I got closer to each other.Drake?Not so much.He was angry at me for no reason at all.Shadow and Lucy liked Zane as much as I.......did.He seemed nicer than before.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

All Alone Characters

Name:Melinda May Gonzales
Likes: singing,her family,powerpuff girls,fashion,her necklace
Life:Melinda was  a sweet girl before her parents died.Her step brother left her and Vanessa.She always did  drugs and got in trouble alot.When she moves to Idaho she openeds up and protectes Makena from her brother.She falls for Zane but also knows that Drake likes her.Melinda really wants to be with both of them but later chooses ZAne over Drake.
Personality:Sweet,caring,loves animals,has a big heart and hates when soemone gets hurt

Name:Vanessa Gonzales
Likes:Animals,playing with Makena,Flowers
Life:Her parents died when she was 1 and since then Melinda took care of her.Melinda and her move to Idaho where she meets Makena a sweet caring girl.

Name:Drake Votle
Likes:Having fun,girls,drinking
Life:Drake meets Jons step sisters Vanessa and Melinda.He falls for Melinda a beautiful brunnett.Drake isnt like his twin brother Zaneder.He's sweet but tough.

Name:Zander Votle
Likes:girls,partying,does drugs
Life:When Zane meets Melinda he falls for her.He stops doing drugs and acts nice to Makena.What he doesnt know is that Drake likes her too.Zane gets attached to Melinda after someone trys to rape her.
Name:Makena Votle
Likes:playing with Nessa,being with Melinda,flowers,her necklace
Life:Zane hits her but when he meets Melinda everything changes.Melinda is overproctective of Makena.Vanessa gets along with Makena and they become great friends.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All Alone Part 001

I felt pain go through my heart.I felt blood fell  from my arms and legs.There he stood,watching me intenly.I tired getting up but that made him kick me even more."D-dont please."I whispored.He smiled evily.He grabed my hair hard and pulled my head to eye level."Thats what you get brat!"He yelled in my face.He grabed me and threw me into the street.I got up eventhough I was in soo much pain.I walked and walked.Then,I came upon a black house and thats were I blacked out.I woke up crying.I looked around my room.Everything was okay.I got up and took a quick shower and changed into black skinny  jeans and a white sleeve shirt.I grabed my backpack from my bed and headed to school.I touched my necklace.I closed my eyes and remembered them.I sighed and walked on as if nothing happend.When I arrived at ghappend.When I arrived at sschool everyone looked at me like every single day.They knew.

Yesterday at night my aunt had a heart attach.It affected everyone but it affected me more because she was like a mom to me.No one around me talked to me.I was like a outsider.People here judge fast.I grabed my books and made my way to English.I sat close to the back and the window.A cheerleader pushed me into the window making me hurt myself.I touched my forehead where I felt blood coming out."Oh,I'm sooo like sorry!"She said fakely."Its okay."I said.People treated me like this every day."Class today we have a new student!His name is Zac Zaferson."A boy with emo hair walked in.He had green eyes."Miss Gonzales please raise your hand."Mrs Monlom said.Zac walked over to the desk next to me.He smiled."Hello,My name is Zac and you?"

"Melinda.Nice to meet you."I said.The cheerleaders laughed behind us."Did you hear that her aunt died?"One said."Yeah like totally.I bet you that she died of her ugliness!"She yelled.Everyone around me laughed."Wait are you the girl that got raped by a hodo?!"Zac yelled.Everyone laugh at her."Thanks."I told him.He noded.

After school I went home only to find the police there."What happend?"I asked."Someone murdered your uncle Melinda."Officer John said."What?!Is Vanessa okay?!"I yelled."Yes."He said.I ran upstairs and saw my little sister in the bathroom crying.I huged her closly."Mel!"She sobbed."Shhh V its okay."I said.I looked at my phone.I had 4 missed calls.They were all from  Jon.I called him back when Vanessa was asleep."Hello?"Melinda?"yes.Why did you call me?"Your moving in with me."Okay.Bye."I said.I threw the phone into the wall.
I carried Vanessa to my room.I layed next to her.I opened my backpack and I threw everything on the floor.I grabed all my stuff and put it inside my black backpack.The next morning I helped Vanessa pack her stuff.I am 16 years old and Vanessa is 6.V has blonde wavy hair. Jon came for us and we got in."Wow.Nessa your bigger now."Jon said.V smiled big."Yes I am  Jon."She said.Jon turned to me."Lisen Melinda I'm remarring a beautiful women named Victoria and she has 2 sons your age and a daughter."He told me."What about them Jon?"I asked."Don't cause trouble Melinda.Your a good kid."I was when mom and dad were alive."I said angry."Melinda."He warned.
Drake & Zander
"You don't know anything that has happend to me since mom and dad died!I changed and did drugs.Why?!Because you were never there!!You left me and V!!Your were supposed to take care of us!?"I yelled.Jon didnt say anything because he knew that was the truth."I'm sorry Mel.I really am.Their death cause me alot and I had to get away."He said.The rest of the ride was quiet.When we got there was a women and 2 boys my age.I got out without looking at them."Victoria meet my step sisters Melinda and Vanessa."He introduce us."Hello."Vanessa said."Melinda meet Drake and Zander."Victoria said.One of them was looking down at the ground and the other was texting.I got pasted them and into my room.I took out my clothes and disided to hang out with Sasha.I aclled her.

"Hey,Bunny."I said."Hey Princess."Wanna hang out?"Sure.Where?"At the mall."Okay.See you there."I hunged up and saw  emo boy in the door way."What do you want emo boy?"I asked."Fiesty.Jon said to take you to the mall."He said."No.Leave."I said.I walked to my closet and changed in the bathroom.I put on a purple sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans.I walked out and bumped into emo boy.He grabed my arms and pinned them to the wall."What do you want?"I said.I stared at his eyes which were covered by his hair."You."He said.He planted kisses along my neck."Zane!"His little sister said.He let me go.

"What do you want Makena?"Zane told her."Stop raping her!"She yelled.Zane slaped her.There was a mark on her face.She ran to me and huged my legs."What the fuck Zane?!"I yelled.He punched me.I knee him in where the sun does shine.I kicked him in the stomach.Jon came in and saw that."WHAT THE FUCK MELINDA MAY GONZALES?!"He yelled.He helped Zane get up."Daddy,he didnt do anything.Zane wanted to rape Melinda so I stopd him.He slaped me and Melinda just helped me."Makena said.Jon and Zane left."Thank you so much Makena.Do you and Nessa what to go to the mall with us?"I asked."Yes!"She yelled happily.

When Sasha came we got in her car.Makena and Vanessa made great friends.We went to many stores.
"Hey Mel can you sing for Makena?"Nessa asked."Sure."I said.I sat on a bench and Sasha got out her guitar.

Just when it's getting good
I slowly start to freeze
Just when it's feeling real I put my heart to sleep
It's the memory I can see
Then this fear comes over me
Understand that I don't mean
To push you away from me


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

You got a way of easing me out of myself
I can't stay but I can't leave, I am my worst enemy
Please understand that its not you it's what I do
Just when I'm about to run I realize what I've become


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

Now I wonder what you think of me
Don't kow why I break so easily
All my fears are armed surrounding me
I can't get no sleep
I keep runnin in circles around you
Are you the trap I wanna fall into??


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

When I finished sing that song everyone appaluded."Thank you."I said.Makena,Sasha and Vanessa sang with me.While I was singing lots of people started to watch.I looked over at Sasha and smiled.Soon everyone left and there standing shocked where Drake,Zane and Jon.Jon huged me first."Wow.You have such a voice Melinda."He said."I couldnt have done it with out Sasha,Makena and Vanessa."I said.Sasha smiled and I knew why.Drake and Zane approched me slowly like some famous person.Makena looked scared when She stared at Zane."Makena."I said.Makena walked over to me and hide behind my two legs."I'm not  going to hurt you Makena.You have a great voice Melinda May Gonzales."Zane said smirking.

"Go to hell basterd."I said smiling."touche."He said.Drake stared at me."What?"I said annoyed.He touche my heart necklace.He healed it in his fingers."What is this?"Drake asked."My nacklace.My parents gave it to me hwen umm they died."I said."I'm sorr-"DRAKE!Come on man lets go."ZAne yelled."I'm sorry.I have to go."He left.

I went back to Sasha."Hey Princess.I gotta leave.Peace!"She said.Once she left I headed back to Jons house.I heard that Zane and Drake were talking so I listened.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Live it upPart 002

My first class was biology.As I entered I could feel a vampire inside that same room.I gave Mr.Molima the paper to sign."Ah yes Miss Vilot you may sit next to Mr.Cullen."Mr.Molima said.I walked to the last table and sat down.Cullen looked frustrated with the thought that he cant read my mind.

I smiled."Hello,my name is Alex Vilot and you are Edward Antony Cullen right?"I asked.Stupid little vampire."Yes,How do you know my name?"He asked confused.I leaned a little bit."I'm the leader of the Volturi.Edward Cullen."I whispored so low."He looked shooked."Never get in my way or eles I will have to kill that little human you love so much and I can do much more pain on her than Jane."I whispored low.

The bell rang and I made my way to the lunch room.Everyone stared at me.I saw Bella with her friends.She looked at me and told me to come sit with them.I sat next to Anglia."Hello,my name is Alex Vilot and I guess I'm new."I said."Welcome to Forks.How long are you stay?"Anglia said."I don't know."I saw Edward looking at Bella."Bella is your boyfriend calling you are something?"I said.Bella looked t him and  Alexs outfit ^^^                                                                                                     walked over to him.

"Bella I want you to be carefull around Alex."Edward told her."Why,She's just a human."Bella said."She's _"I walked over to that table.Edward looked at me more like glare at me."Ever heard of the Volturi Isabella Maria Swan?"I asked."Ye-yes.Who are you."She said scared.I smirked."I'm their leader."You-your a vampire."She whispored."No duh.If I were you I would ditch the -."I looked at Edward."vampire."

I left and ran outside.I pulled out my phone."Aro?"I asked."Yes Misters."He said."Edward Cullen told the human who we are."Yes indeed there will be consquences.Goodbye Misters."I hunged up and smiled.
Alex as Bella
I ran to Jessica's house.I transformed into Bella."Jess!"I screamed.Jessica ran out."What is it Bella?"She asked."I-its that-that my-my dad almost ttt-tryed to rape me."I sobbed."OMG,Bella wait out here."She ran inside and called the police.The police came right away.One of them walked up to me."Are you Isabella Swan?"Yes."I sobbed.I told them everything and them belived me.I was put in the hospital.Carlisle walked in."We meet again Carlisle."I said."Bella are you okay?"He asked.I turned back.He gasped."Alex I thought James killed you."He didn't."Why?"Beacuse Carlisle I'm his leader."

"Juliet Vilet."He said."Yes.God,your son is so stupid."Edward walked in with Rosalie.Rosalie seemed happy.She huged me."I missed you Juliet."She said."So did I friend but you know how things are in Volturia."I said.Edward threw me onto the wall."Aaaahhh remeber what I told you.You get in my way and your pericous human dies in a second."I warned.He backed off.I turned back into Bella.I smiled wickedly.Tim walked in."Isabella Cheif Swan is under arrest for what he did to you."Thanks Tim."I sobbed.When he left I turned back.

"Your sick."Edward said."No,I'm fine."I said.Just then Jacob Black."How can you stand him?"I said."Hello Juliet Vilet."Jacob said."You know her?!!!?"Edward and Rosalie yelled."Yeah she killed my mom."He whispored."She tasted good."Jacob was about to lunge for me but BELLA HAD to interrupt.I ran over to her in a flash.I bit down on her wrsit.I knew that Edward nor Jacob will stad there so I put both of them in soooo much pain.When I finished drinking her blood I killed her."NOOO!Bella!"Edward yelled."BYE Bella!"I moncked.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Live it upPart 001

Have you ever wonder what life is on the other side?As in the world of vampires.Hi,My name is Alex Vilot and I belive in vampires.People think I'm crazy or something but I'm not because I'm one of them.I look like a normal 17 year old girl with blue eyes.I haev a special necklace that lets me be in the sunlight.I was born in Italy,Volturiaa 1652.I was the first vampire alive.

Since then other vampires started to be alive.I am the leader of the Volturi.I have 2 powers that is so great no human can destroy me.I can change my apperence to what ever I want.My smell and voice completely change.My other power is that I can destroy any one or anything.Jane has the same power but hers can only have much afect.I have heard about the Cullens thought I dont even know them.I drink human blood .

.I have just started school.I dressed all in black and I started to run to Forks Wishlet High.That was the weirdest name I have ever heard in all my life.I am 106 years old.
I stopped running about a mile to Forks Wishlet High.A shiny volvo pasted me.I smell the air.Vampire.

They might be the Cullens.I made my self look like a girl I saw by the name Jessica Stanly.My eyes changed to brown.I stole a car and made my way to Forks Wishlet High.Jessica was not there.When I walked out of the stolen car Bella walked up to me."Jess I thought you were sick."Bella said."Its a miracle."I said.Edward Cullen was talking to Alice and Jasper.I listened closly."I thought Jessica was sick today."Alice said."Apperently."He said.

"Bella I'm feeling sick again."Jess I'll take-"Its fine Bella.You dont need to do anything."I hissed.Bella looked taken back.I walked in the bathroom a changed myself to me.

anything like this is Alex's thoughts.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I think I love you[Sam Uley love story]Part 001


My life.Its always a question.My brother Seth always tells me what am I going to do.I never know.My name is Juliet Clearwater.I have 2 siblings named Leah and Seth.Leah is always mad but when I'm near she's different.Seth is different,he is really out going and fun to be around.My family was in Washington,Forks while I was in Idaho for summer.I was visiting my best friend Amy.

We were in a beach called Sandpoint,Idaho.Amy and I were looking at hott guys playing volleyball.Just then my phone rang Outta Here By Esmee Denters.I slide it open."Hello?"I said."Juliet!"Seth yelled."Yes this is me.What do you want?"Edward and Bella are getting married."Edward and Bella are getting married?"Who are they?"Some friends.Anywas can you make it by Sunday?"I though about it."Yes.I think I can."Julie!"Leah screamed."Yes Lee?"I miss you and my boyfriend dumped me."She whined."I'm soo -"I stoped talking because one of the guys was checking me out."I'm sorry Lee.I need to go bye!"I hunged up.The boy walked up to us."Hello beautiful."He said.Just then we heard a growel.He turned around and came face to face with Seth."What the hell?!"I screamed.I pulled Seth far away from them."What the hell Seth?!"I yelled."I dont want you with someone like him.Your my little sister."I dont care Seth!"Were going back."NOOO!You cant keep taking me away from my friends!Thats all you ever do!"I sobbed.

 I slammed the door opened to our house."Leave me alone!"I yelled at him."Juliet."He warned.Leah and Emily came over and saw me crying."What the hell Seth?!"Leah yelled at him.Leah huged me while Emily taked to Seth."Shh whats wrong Julie?"She said."Seth keeps taking me away from my freinds."I sobbed.Seth walked in with 6 shirtless boys.One of them stared at me.Leah groweled and left."Who the hell are you people?"I whispored."My nme is Sam and this is my pack."Sam said."I'm Juliet Clearwater.Nice to meet you."I whispored.I got up and was about to leave when Seth said"I'm sorry Juliet."I shrugged and walked upstairs.

I was dressed up in a black strapless dress for Edward and Bella's party.Seth havent talked to me since Wednesday."You ready Juliet?"Leah said.I didnt respond.I went downstairs to find that the guys were ready.Sam looked really good.What am I thinking?Sam is 21 and I'm 17.Ugh.I smiled weakly.I saw Seth standing outside.I slowly walked up to him.He turned his head and sighed."Im sorry."I blurted.He slood up and gave me a hug."No,I'm sorry."Seth said.We arrived at the Cullens house.Alice answered the door."Hi Juliet!"She said.She gave me a small hug."Hey."I said.Jasper was behind Alice.

Jasper gave me a hug.Sure he was a new vampire but he can controll himself around me."Hey Jaz."I smiled."Juliet we missed you."He whined.I laughed.I sat on one of the tables.As you can see I HATE Edward and Bella but the rest of the Cullens I like.Even Rosalie.Stupid Bella.Stupid Edwin.Next thing you know shes pregnat.I though.Someone groweled behind me.Oh yeah stupid mind reader.I hope Bella dumps him for Jacob.That would be funny.I smiled thinking that though."Did you have to come?"Edward scoffed."No,I just wanted some fun."I said scaratly.

I hope Bella dumps him for Jacob then Edwin will have to kill himself.Yeah what a good thought.I smiled.Suddenly Edward choked me.I was trying to breath some air here.Bella dumps Edward.Yeah.The more I thought that the more harder he pressed."Let go of her!"Sam yelled across the room.Everyone looked at him and Bella rushed to his side.Sam turned into a wolf and attached Edward.He threw me across the room.Leah and Seth helped me up.My head was bleeding and I had  a cut  threw my arm.I wimpered.Sam turned back and carried me out of there."I'm sorry."He whispored before I blacked out.

"Juliet please wake up."I'm sorry Juliet.You got me pissed."Your my imprint."He whispored.I opened my eyes.Alfa  say what?I saw Edwin,Seth and Sam around me.I glared at Edward.Get out bloodsucker you almost tryied to kill me.Go to hell.Edward left."You what?"I asked Sam.Seth glared at Sam before leaving."Your my imprint Juliet."Sam said.I brought his lips to mine.He realted quickly.We did a hott make out in the hospital.