Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All Alone Part 001

I felt pain go through my heart.I felt blood fell  from my arms and legs.There he stood,watching me intenly.I tired getting up but that made him kick me even more."D-dont please."I whispored.He smiled evily.He grabed my hair hard and pulled my head to eye level."Thats what you get brat!"He yelled in my face.He grabed me and threw me into the street.I got up eventhough I was in soo much pain.I walked and walked.Then,I came upon a black house and thats were I blacked out.I woke up crying.I looked around my room.Everything was okay.I got up and took a quick shower and changed into black skinny  jeans and a white sleeve shirt.I grabed my backpack from my bed and headed to school.I touched my necklace.I closed my eyes and remembered them.I sighed and walked on as if nothing happend.When I arrived at ghappend.When I arrived at sschool everyone looked at me like every single day.They knew.

Yesterday at night my aunt had a heart attach.It affected everyone but it affected me more because she was like a mom to me.No one around me talked to me.I was like a outsider.People here judge fast.I grabed my books and made my way to English.I sat close to the back and the window.A cheerleader pushed me into the window making me hurt myself.I touched my forehead where I felt blood coming out."Oh,I'm sooo like sorry!"She said fakely."Its okay."I said.People treated me like this every day."Class today we have a new student!His name is Zac Zaferson."A boy with emo hair walked in.He had green eyes."Miss Gonzales please raise your hand."Mrs Monlom said.Zac walked over to the desk next to me.He smiled."Hello,My name is Zac and you?"

"Melinda.Nice to meet you."I said.The cheerleaders laughed behind us."Did you hear that her aunt died?"One said."Yeah like totally.I bet you that she died of her ugliness!"She yelled.Everyone around me laughed."Wait are you the girl that got raped by a hodo?!"Zac yelled.Everyone laugh at her."Thanks."I told him.He noded.

After school I went home only to find the police there."What happend?"I asked."Someone murdered your uncle Melinda."Officer John said."What?!Is Vanessa okay?!"I yelled."Yes."He said.I ran upstairs and saw my little sister in the bathroom crying.I huged her closly."Mel!"She sobbed."Shhh V its okay."I said.I looked at my phone.I had 4 missed calls.They were all from  Jon.I called him back when Vanessa was asleep."Hello?"Melinda?"yes.Why did you call me?"Your moving in with me."Okay.Bye."I said.I threw the phone into the wall.
I carried Vanessa to my room.I layed next to her.I opened my backpack and I threw everything on the floor.I grabed all my stuff and put it inside my black backpack.The next morning I helped Vanessa pack her stuff.I am 16 years old and Vanessa is 6.V has blonde wavy hair. Jon came for us and we got in."Wow.Nessa your bigger now."Jon said.V smiled big."Yes I am  Jon."She said.Jon turned to me."Lisen Melinda I'm remarring a beautiful women named Victoria and she has 2 sons your age and a daughter."He told me."What about them Jon?"I asked."Don't cause trouble Melinda.Your a good kid."I was when mom and dad were alive."I said angry."Melinda."He warned.
Drake & Zander
"You don't know anything that has happend to me since mom and dad died!I changed and did drugs.Why?!Because you were never there!!You left me and V!!Your were supposed to take care of us!?"I yelled.Jon didnt say anything because he knew that was the truth."I'm sorry Mel.I really am.Their death cause me alot and I had to get away."He said.The rest of the ride was quiet.When we got there was a women and 2 boys my age.I got out without looking at them."Victoria meet my step sisters Melinda and Vanessa."He introduce us."Hello."Vanessa said."Melinda meet Drake and Zander."Victoria said.One of them was looking down at the ground and the other was texting.I got pasted them and into my room.I took out my clothes and disided to hang out with Sasha.I aclled her.

"Hey,Bunny."I said."Hey Princess."Wanna hang out?"Sure.Where?"At the mall."Okay.See you there."I hunged up and saw  emo boy in the door way."What do you want emo boy?"I asked."Fiesty.Jon said to take you to the mall."He said."No.Leave."I said.I walked to my closet and changed in the bathroom.I put on a purple sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans.I walked out and bumped into emo boy.He grabed my arms and pinned them to the wall."What do you want?"I said.I stared at his eyes which were covered by his hair."You."He said.He planted kisses along my neck."Zane!"His little sister said.He let me go.

"What do you want Makena?"Zane told her."Stop raping her!"She yelled.Zane slaped her.There was a mark on her face.She ran to me and huged my legs."What the fuck Zane?!"I yelled.He punched me.I knee him in where the sun does shine.I kicked him in the stomach.Jon came in and saw that."WHAT THE FUCK MELINDA MAY GONZALES?!"He yelled.He helped Zane get up."Daddy,he didnt do anything.Zane wanted to rape Melinda so I stopd him.He slaped me and Melinda just helped me."Makena said.Jon and Zane left."Thank you so much Makena.Do you and Nessa what to go to the mall with us?"I asked."Yes!"She yelled happily.

When Sasha came we got in her car.Makena and Vanessa made great friends.We went to many stores.
"Hey Mel can you sing for Makena?"Nessa asked."Sure."I said.I sat on a bench and Sasha got out her guitar.

Just when it's getting good
I slowly start to freeze
Just when it's feeling real I put my heart to sleep
It's the memory I can see
Then this fear comes over me
Understand that I don't mean
To push you away from me


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

You got a way of easing me out of myself
I can't stay but I can't leave, I am my worst enemy
Please understand that its not you it's what I do
Just when I'm about to run I realize what I've become


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

Now I wonder what you think of me
Don't kow why I break so easily
All my fears are armed surrounding me
I can't get no sleep
I keep runnin in circles around you
Are you the trap I wanna fall into??


Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

When I finished sing that song everyone appaluded."Thank you."I said.Makena,Sasha and Vanessa sang with me.While I was singing lots of people started to watch.I looked over at Sasha and smiled.Soon everyone left and there standing shocked where Drake,Zane and Jon.Jon huged me first."Wow.You have such a voice Melinda."He said."I couldnt have done it with out Sasha,Makena and Vanessa."I said.Sasha smiled and I knew why.Drake and Zane approched me slowly like some famous person.Makena looked scared when She stared at Zane."Makena."I said.Makena walked over to me and hide behind my two legs."I'm not  going to hurt you Makena.You have a great voice Melinda May Gonzales."Zane said smirking.

"Go to hell basterd."I said smiling."touche."He said.Drake stared at me."What?"I said annoyed.He touche my heart necklace.He healed it in his fingers."What is this?"Drake asked."My nacklace.My parents gave it to me hwen umm they died."I said."I'm sorr-"DRAKE!Come on man lets go."ZAne yelled."I'm sorry.I have to go."He left.

I went back to Sasha."Hey Princess.I gotta leave.Peace!"She said.Once she left I headed back to Jons house.I heard that Zane and Drake were talking so I listened.

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