Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Things Do Change Part 001

"OMG!"A-Tal yelled as C-Razy did a back flip.I laughted.We are sorta like a gang named Night Shield  because we are always together.Blood was the first one to make it up and he's also the leader.There are 7 people in our gang.There's Jason,Tommy,Mark,Byran,John,Antony and me.We all have nicknames.Every person has a different story to why they came here.

Scarlett & Night Shield
My story is that I ran away from foster care.Every single house I went to had a son and they will always open the door when I'm changing and stuff.
These are our nicknames:
Byran is Blood
Jason is Cat
Tommy is C-Razy
John is Shark
Mark  is Maximm

Antony is A-Tal
and finally theres me
Me is Lexi

"That was cool C-Razy!"Cat yelled.C-Razy smiled at me.I laughed quietly.Blood came from behind me."Night Shield we need to move."He said.We walked and walked finaly we reach a sign that said Forks,Washington."Where are we Blood?"I asked."Forks,Washington my friend lives here and he said we can live with him Lexi."He said."I'm hungry!"Maximm yelled."Shut up Maximm we're almost there."They aruged untill Maximm give in.We reached a small house near the beach.A group of boys came out of the bushes."Good to see you again Blood."One of them said."Sam this is Night Shield.Night Shield this is my friend Sam and his gang."He spoke."Night Shield meet Jacob,Jared,Paul,Embry and Quil."Sam said."Hey."we said."I'm Lexi and these babons are Cat,C-Razy,Maximm,A-Tal and Shark."I said."Hey!"They said."What?I only said the truth?"Sometime hit my back and I turned and with my mind threw C-Razy into the nearest wall.Sam and his gang started in aww."h-how did she do that,Blood?"Jared asked."Lexi is the newest member in our group and she was power to what her mood is.Lexi can you show us?"Blood asked."Sure."I said.I focused on Sam.My eyes turned red and I got fire on  my hands.I threw the fire to Sam but before it could get to his I snapped my fingers and it fell.Sam was surpised."That was cool Lexi!"C-Razy yelled."No duh."I said.I looked at Blood and then my eyes turned completely black."Blood."I said
Blood POV:Lexi stared at me then her eyes turned completely black."Blood."She said.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Don't Lie To Me Part 3

Caleb at the age of 7^^^


Melondy at the age of 7^^

2 year later

Its been one year since I've seen Adam but I'm quiet happy with Alex.I'm now 19 years old and Caleb,Melondy have grown.Caleb is 7 and so is Melondy.Alex got me pregnant just last year and now we have a small daughter.We named her Star Falome because when we saw her she looked so bright.Caleb and Melondy are happy to have a younger sister even thought they will no longer see Adam their dad.

"MOM!Caleb hit me!"Melondy yelled."Caleb don't hit your sister."I said.Alex and I were sitting in the couch with Star.Caleb was playing with our dog Moon.Caleb looked up."What?I didn't do anything."He said.The door bell rang and I got up still carring Star and with my free hand opened the door.There he was."Adam."I said.He eyed the baby in my arms."Vanessa so good to see you."He said."DAD!"Caleb yelled.he ran and huged his father.Melondy just glared at him.She knew everything that he did.Alex came from behind me."Alex so good to see you."Adam said.Alex frowned."Whta are you doing here?And without that whore?"Alex told him."Alex stop."I whispord."I came to see my son and daughter."He hissed."GET OUT!YOU CHEATED ON MY MOM!I HATE YOU!"MElondy yelled.I gave Star to Alex and huged Melondy."NO!He's stayin'."Caleb said."Caleb you dont understand dad cheated on mom and he left us.Alex was always with us."Melondy explained.Caleb stared at Adam and ran to huge his sister."I HATE YOU,GET OUT!"He yelled."Caleb please."Adam begged."See whta you did to them."I saidAdam stared at me sadly and he turned and left.I

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lie 2 Me part 01







"Mel?Earth to Melondy."belinda said waving her hands in my face.
"Huh?Oh sorry I zoomed out."I said.Belinda and I had art together.And so did Belinda's brother.I saw Dylan walking slowly like he was famouse or something.He smiled at me something he never does.
"Linda why does your brother smile at me?"God knows.He never smiles.he's so.."Emo?"I said."Yeah and his friend is sooo sexy.
"Eww.Linda are you serious?"Yeah."When Dylan was a few feet from me Drake pushed him making Dylan fall.ugh jerk.i thought.I got out of my seat and helped dylan up.
"Are you okay Dyl?"i asked."yeah umm thanks Mel."He said leaving me there by myslef.Art went by sssllllllloooooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyy.During lunch Dylan kept giving me werid looks and Drake...he was smoking with his friends.Linda,Chloe,Tori and I were talking about friday night when the bitch of all bitches showed up.
"Hello Melondy."She hissed.
"Hiya bitch.What do you want?"I said pissed.
"Weellll.I came here to reminde Belinda about what we talked about yesterday."I looked at Belinda.was this girl for real?
"I know Vanessa.I will,like i said."Belinda said.When Vanessa left we were speechless.
"What was she talkin' about?"Chloe growled."She told me to....tell the whole school that...Mel is a slut."She said.
"What!Why?!"I yelled.Belinda laughted."Because dear Melondy if I don't i'll be kicked out of cheerleading squad.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Don't Lie To Me Part 1

New Gwen since Maddie's death^^^^^^^
Gwen crying^^^^^^^

Riley's house in Forks,Washington^^^^



Gwen's outfit^^^

Uncle Riley^^

Maddison's outfit^^



"leave me alone!"I yelled.Amanda,Tori and Brad looked taken back."How could you!I thought you guys were my friends!"i sobbed."Gwen please let us explain."Tori pleaded."No!First I tell you all my secrets then you tell the whole school?!Who the hell does that!"No one spoke.We were in the park and I was sitting in the grass crying and they were sitting next to me."I just cant belive it was you guys.I never had friends for that risen and now I hear from clarie that the whole school knows.What the heck?I know I'm not perfect and i just ask for you guys to promise not to tell anyone and you guys just do it.To have a sister in the hospital almost dieing to death and my parents dont care about us.While everyone knows now thanks guys."I said crying a little bit."Gwen I didnt know.I'm sorry."Amanda said.I wiped my tears off."Forget about it.Tomorrow my uncle is coming to get us and I'll be out of your lives forever."I ran to my house.The phone was ringing when I opened the door.I grabed it."Hello?"Hey there pumpkin."Hi uncle Riley."How was school?"I dont want o talk about it."okay.Change of plans I'm coming to get you right now."The door bell rang.I haunged up and opened the door.Uncle Riley gave me a hug behind him was my sister Maddison."Gwen!"She yelled.She huged me tightly.

Forks,Washington:"Well here it is."Riley said putting down my bags in my room."Thanks."I said."Gwen I want you to meet Dr.Cullen and his family tonight.we're going over."Okay."I said.Maddison came inside."hey M."I said.She looked at me in a sad way.Maddison sat next to me.That worried me."M whats wrong?"Gwen..I-I have cancer again."I covered my mounth.Maddison has had cancer before but then it stopped.The docter said it would be impossible if she had it again."No.Your lieing Maddison pkease tell me your lieing."I begged.She shock her head."God!Everything bad has to happen to you!Why cant it happen to someone els!!Im so sorry M."I sobbed.Maddiosn huged me.Maddison is only months young from me.She was 16 and I was turning 17 in 3 more months.We clamed down and changed.We were in the car when Maddison talked."Gwen if I die please talk to dad."She said."Maddison you are not going to die."I whispored.The ride was silet.No one dared to talk.Riley was sad Maddison was saying this crazy stuff about her death.We parked behind a shiny volvo.Dr.Cullen's house was nice and far from any city.Dr.Cullen waited for us in the porch.Riley and Dr.Cullen shoke hands."Ah friend its been long."He said.We went inside and there was 7 people sitting in the couch."Carlisle I would like you to meet Gwen and Maddison."Riley said.I smile a little bit,I was still sad about what Maddison said."Hi."Maddison said."Gwen,Maddison meet Emmett,Rosalie,Jasper,Alice,Edward and Esme."Carlisle said.Edward stared at my hopeless eyes."Gwen,can I talk to you outside?"Maddy said.We went outside."Gwen I'm sorry."She said."Why?"I asked.She pulled out a knife."Don-dont Maddy."i sobbed."Remember I will always be there for you En."she stabed herself."Noooo!!Maddy!"I yelled and sobbed.Riley and Carlisle heard me so they ran outside.They saw me grabing Maddy."Gwen!What the hell happened!?"Riley yelled."She killed herself.I couldn't do anything."I sobbed.Remember I will always be there for you En. was the last thing she said to me.Carlisle helped me carry maddy inside.In her hand was a note.I grabed it and cried even more when I read it:

Death is commen and lots of people go throught it.

I know my death is near.I just dont want it to happen.

I know I will miss Gwen.Gwen what a great sister she was

for me.She helped me threw everything,even threw cancer.

I just know she will make it threw when I die.Just yesterday when Dr.Nelisa

told me I had cancer I knew I was going to die.Nobody can save me not even Gwen.

I love her with my whole heart.

Riley found me outside crying my eyes out."Shhh Gwen we need to get inside."We got inside the cullens house.I sat on the couch and covered my face with my hair."We will always be together Gwen."8 year old Maddiosn said."Yeah because nothing can separat us."8 year old me said."but death can sepret us Gwen."Dont say that Maddy."

"Gwen are you okay?"Edward said.I looked up at him.He was sitting across from me."Is she-"No we couldn't save her.She stabed herself so deep."He interrupted."oh."Life is so unfair.God why did she have to die why not me.i thought in my head.

I remembered the promise I made her.I got my cellphone out and dialed my dad."Dad."Hey Gwen."I couldn't take it any longer."dad Maddys dead."I sobbed."What?"She told me she had cancer again.Tonight she killed herself.I need you."I sobbed."Don't worry hun.I'll pick you up tomorrow."Okay bye."I closed my phone."Your leaving Forks tomorrow?"Edward asked."Yeah.Since Mad-Maddie died I cant be here anymore.Bye"The next day my day came for me and I left Forks.Forever.For now.


Every month was harder for me to overcome Maddie's death.Maddie's birthday, was harder for me.I just couldn't overcome her death.News about her death spred around my school today.Everyone asked me about it.I would burts it tears.Since her death I'm not me but different.I changed my hair color.Everyday I would be in my room looking at her pictures.I searched for my mom's pictures.I found them under my dad's bed.Since Feburay the last time i saw Edward I would constely scream at night.Finally my dad had enought of it and send me to live with Riley..again.Riley was sad that I would be like this."Gwen,you have to get over it.Its been 6 months!"He yelled."Why are you yelling?"I said."I can't see you like this anymore!"okay."I went to my room.
Maddison's POV:I saw Gwen crying in her room.I could never see her again.I jumped off her the tree and went to the Cullen's house.I went to Carlsile's office.I nocked."yes?"He said."Carlsile?"Come in."I went inside his office."I have to see her."I said."Maddison we talked about this already."I know but she's suffering because of me."mmmm.I don't know."Please Gwen wont tell anyone.I know."I-"Carlsile."Alice interuppted."She won't tell.I saw a vision that we told her and she didnt get scared nor she'll tell."She said."there's your answer."I smiled and ran to her house.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Love Never Dies Part 2

Vanessa crying^

Vanessa's outfit^

Melondys gift from Serina a dora doll

Melondys gift^from byran

Melondys gift from Vanessa^

Melondys gift from Alex ex dad^

Lucy(ugh the B****)^


I changed into a dress and high heels.Soon the food was finished and everyone was talking about random things that is untill Lucy walked in.The room stoped talking."Hey baby.I missed you."lucy cooed.I looked at Adam."what the hell is she talking about?!"I yelled.Caleb and Melondy stoped what they were doing and ran to me."Serina take Caleb,Johnny and Melondy upstairs.Please."I said.Serina grabed them and went upstairs.So did Alex."You didnt tell her?"tell me what?"I said pissed."Vanessa I dont know how to say this but Lucy is pregnant and I'm the father of the kid."He answered."What the HELL?!How could you!I guess wance a man-whore always a man-whore right?Just get out of my house."Vanessa I-"Leave!I guess Caleb and Melondy weren't enoght for you."i said."they need me Vanessa."You should of thought of that a long time ago before you fucked her!"Vanessa please.What if they ask about their father?Huh?What are you gonna say?"
"Im gonna say YOU didnt give a fuck about them.I guess when you were in "hawii" all you did was fuck her."
"Baby come on."Lucy whinned.
Adam stood up and looked at me before leaving."ugh."I said.
Alex was the first one down.I was sitting in the couch cring.Alex hugged me."shhhh V everything will be alright."He cooed."How do you know?"i said."I know because Im older."He kissed my hair.
Soon Melondy and Caleb came down."thanks Serina."i said.Wiping my eyes."Your welcome."she said.I huged my kid..Soon it was time to open presents.Melondy got a Dora doll from Serina.A doll house from Alex and a Baby Alive from me.
Soon everyone left exsept Byran..Caleb and Mel fell asleep in the couch.I put a blanket on them."Hey Alex lets go upstairs."I whispord.We went upstairs to my room."Alex thanks for coming."Your welcome."Alex stared at my lips.He started to get closer.I kissed him and that's when i felt butterflys in my stomack.Alex put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body.We kissed like there was no tomorrow.
Alex pulled back a little and took off his shirt.He then got on top of me.He kissed my neck."Alex stop."I said.He didn't listen to me but he kept on kissing my neck to my jaw.He paused.Alex put on his shirt and layed there with me.
In the morning we were attacked by Melondy and Caleb."Wake up!"They yelled.That startedeld me.I yawned.I looked at Alex sleeping."Mel,Caleb wake up Alex."I whispord.Caleb smiled wickedly.Caleb went down and got a cup of water.He throught the water on alex.Who woke up instely."Huh."I laughted.
"Come on guys lets eat."I called.I kissed Alex before going downstairs.I baked eggs,bacon and pancakes for them.Alex came down 5 minutes later in his clothes."Hey babe.I gotta go but I'll be back later."He said putting his arms around me."Okay."I said.Kissing him.When Alex left Caleb and Melondy started to ask questions."Mommy are you dating Alex?"Melondy said."None of ur buseness."I said poking her nose.She laughted.