Monday, December 14, 2009

My Life Is Ruined!inro.

Vanessa Maddies 11 year old sister^
Maddie 16 years old (left)Melondy 12 years old (right)

Demi 16(left) and Maddie 16(right) best friends

Maddie 16
"Maddie!Demi is here!"my 11 year old sister yelled.I was in my room writing a song."its okay vanessa,i'll go upstairs."demi told her.I saw Demi walk into my room."hey,Addie want are you doing?"she said."writing a asong.Wanna hear it?"yes."i grabed my gitar and sang.
i was wonderin was going happen
i was laying in my bed just thinken
about the good old days
when we were young
we had fun
we laughed alot
but then you left
im taken one more step yeah
who knows who knows what life is

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